Septodont News2022-08-16T04:31:44-04:00

Septodont News

Septodont News

Septodont News

Septodont is now on Instagram!

September 30th, 2020|

We have just launched our Septodont Corporate account on Instagram! Come over and follow us at @septodontcorporate if you want to learn more about our people, our values, our products and more!

Septodont : Patron of the Louvre Museum “Tous mécènes !” campaign

September 22nd, 2020|

Every year, the Louvre Museum appeals for donations for a project that it considers a priority. Septodont was proud to participate in the crowdfunding "Tous mécènes !" campaign allowing the acquisition of a national treasure: the bronze statue of the Apollo Kitharoidos.

Biodentine: more than 700 publications

July 2nd, 2020|

We are very proud to announce that Biodentine, the first all-in-one biocompatible and bioactive dentin substitute, counts more than 700 publications on Pubmed!

IADR DASCR Septodont Young Investigator Prize’s winner

May 4th, 2020|

This year, the IADR DASCR Septodont Young Investigator Prize has been carried out virtually. Instituted by The Dental Anesthesiology and Special Care Research Group of the IADR, this award aims at promoting innovation in dental aesthesia research and at recognizing outstanding research contributions by promising young investigators.

COVID-19 : Septodont’s commitment to support dental practitioners

March 20th, 2020|

Since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, immediate measures have been taken to protect the health and well-being of our employees and partners at the various Septodont sites around the world, including our manufacturing facilities and headquarters, to help ensure dental practitioners around the globe will continuously receive our dental solutions with the best possible service and support.

Case Studies Collection #19

January 7th, 2020|

Discover 3 clinical cases reported by dental professionals around the world who share their experience and the benefits of using Septodont innovations in their daily practice. Special focus on Biodentine and RTR.

Biodentine : Reverse the Irreversible pulpitis

September 20th, 2019|

Following the ESE (European Society of Endodontology) position statement for managing the exposed pulp, supported by 3 clinical studies run over the past 3 years showing 95% clinical success

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